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DeltaV™ MQ Controller
DeltaV M-series MQ Controller
The MQ Controller provides communication and control between the field devices and the other nodes on the control network.
The controller can be used with any configurations on earlier DeltaV™ systems. The MQ Controller increases productivity and is easy to use.
DeltaV™ MQ Controller


Power requirement
Supplied by System Power Supply through 2-wide Power/Controller Carrier
Fuse protection
3.0 A, non-replaceable fuses
Power dissipation
5.0 W typical, 7.0 W maximum
On right slot of power/controller carrier
User memory
48 MB
Primary control network
8-pin RJ-45 connector
Redundant control network
8-pin RJ-45 connector


  • Increases Productivity: self-addressing, self-locating, automatic I/O detection
  • Easy to use: total control, data protection, cold restart
  • Has the flexibility to meet your needs: data pass-through, prepares you for the future, mounting


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