Cost savings of 20-30% when unitizing the manifolding by eliminating several parts used in conventional methods of ‘piping up’.
Roddable soft seats simplify maintenance and ensure accuracy.
Back seat stem design eliminates stem blowout or accidental removal while in operation.
Fewer leak points reduce the chances of leakage.
Soft seat design enables field replacement without valve removal.
Rolled stem threads provide a stronger, more durable thread area, increasing valve life.
Mirror stem finish in the packing area ensures smooth operation and extends packing life.
Constant compression metal-to-metal bonnet-to-body seal below bonnet threads prevents corrosion, eliminates tensile breakage and creates a reliable seal point.
Easily adjustable stem packing decreases downtime and provides long service life.
PTFE-packed design’s bonnet cap protects against atmospheric contamination; reduces thread galling by containment of stem lubricant and increases valve life.
AGCO Mount option provides installation and service benefits.
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